Wandering Monsters Deck: Wilderlands (5E)
Wandering Monsters Deck: Wilderlands (5E)
Are you looking to make your exciting top role playing games more exciting and more engaging? If so, we urge you to consider adding the Wandering Monsters Deck: Wilderlands (5E) to your Game Master’s Toolbox. Featuring 3-5 encounters per card with adjustable challenge ratings, this 52 card deck is sure to not disappoint. Order your expansion deck today to create exciting stories tomorrow!
ISBN: 978-1-946669-18-6 / SMC: NRG1012
I use this Deck everytime my players go sidetracks and I need an encounter for them. It's really useful for DMs that don't prepare everything in advance, especially players going sidetracks!
I love all the encounter decks, my favorate use is when my players decide not to keep watch in their sleep and i want to throw a quick, unplaned encounter at them.
These are really cool. The best part is the description. Sometimes I only use them for the details. I will look at them and make the encounter based off of the card and then use the way they describe the sounds and looks to immerse my players deeper. Some are pretty bad a.. and I would not have thought about describing the creatures or its sounds that way. Great tool.
Quick and easy way to round out a one-shot/evening's worth of content when I haven't prepped! The lore and graphic art is amazing!
This is awesome! I'm planning on using these with my players travels between towns I already created with Spectacular Settlements and peppered with landmarks with Objects of Intrigue: Wilderlands. I like the option of having a PDF on my phone as I do a lot of my books in digital format - so handy!